You think I’m too different,
I think you’re too normal.
You succeed in your wanting to be ‘just like everyone else’
But somehow you stand out,
A carbon copy of your friends.
Different from the crowd
but normal because
you’re so admired for your difference.
School's out for summer! I'll miss you like crazy. I gotta stop now before I tear up again!
~~Lime <3
At 11:15 PM, July 02, 2006,
jocelyn said…
EMILY!!!! i officially miss youlike crazy... i miss science, and some how, i have ignored my morals long enough to miss moonstone. you have to come back to poco for my birthday party...oh, i didn't tell you, it's going to be soo uber tacky...theres even plastic harmonicas!!! i'm not sure when it is, but it's sometime during the summer
At 11:18 PM, July 02, 2006,
jocelyn said…
have you realised that on the message dealy describing you id you read the first words before ... it is i am, then the last 2 words after the comma is "your friend" which makes "i am your friend" i was like woah!!!!
At 10:20 AM, August 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I miss you Em.
Hope you are having a good summer.
I might get to go see you, sometime when jason does a show near you ^^
ps. Boys are rats & super rats
xoxox Cait
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